Sunday, June 17, 2007

In Washington, D.C.

Long time no see!

I'm in Washington, D.C., on a fellowship. Or, to put it another way, I'm a lonely Canadian preparing for my internship at Citizens Against Government Waste, trying to ensure that I'll have enough money in my bank account to pay off my rent.

For the past ten days, I have been around libertarians constantly, first on the University of Virginia campus, and then at George Mason University. I've attended seminars on natural rights, public choice economics, the art of persuasion, and many other topics. 12 hour days. Little privacy. A little isolated because of my age and my discipline. Tomorrow the internship component of the program begins. Tomorrow, we'll see what I have to offer a public policy think tank, an environment very different from my usual academic cloister.

I'm nervous. Maybe that's why I felt the need to post on this blog.

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